Preserving Nature for Our People: A Call for Responsibility

In the heart of Colorado’s wilderness, a tragic incident recently unfolded that serves as a stark reminder of our responsibility as Whites to preserve our natural world. A black bear, a symbol of the wild and untamed, met an untimely demise. However, what was truly heartbreaking was the revelation during the necropsy – its intestines were clogged with human garbage. This poignant incident forces us to confront the consequences of our actions and reevaluate our relationship with nature.

An article by the LA times details that the bear weighed about 400 pounds and was put down by Colorado Parks and Wildlife on Sept. 9 because it “showed signs of infection and was suffering from a severe intestinal blockage caused by consumed human trash,” according to a news release from CPW.

As human beings, we are not exempt from the laws of nature. While our modern society has made significant strides in many areas, it has often come at the expense of the environment. The rapid pace of urbanization, industrialization, and consumerism has led to a disconnect between our species and the ecosystems that sustain us. It is a disconnect that, as the tragic fate of this bear illustrates, can have dire consequences for Our People.

Preserving nature for Our People entails a multifaceted approach:

  1. Reject Diversity, Respect Biodiversity: Biodiversity is the cornerstone of a healthy ecosystem. Rather than paying billions to encourage forced diversity and White-Replacement, we must focus on protecting and restoring habitats, ensuring that a wide array of species can thrive. By doing so, we not only honor the intrinsic value of all life but also safeguard our own wellbeing.
  2. Sustainable Practices: Embracing sustainable practices in agriculture, industry, and consumption is imperative. Reducing waste, conserving resources, and adopting renewable energy sources are crucial steps toward mitigating the harm we inflict on the environment.
  3. Education and Awareness: Knowledge is a powerful tool, and in the hands of the enemy, a dangerous one. We must educate ourselves and future generations about the importance of preserving nature for Our People and the consequences of neglecting it. Only through understanding can we hope to inspire change in future generations of Whites.
  4. Community Engagement: Building up White communities which hold environmental protection dearly will allow for Our People to advocate in an organized and effective manner. Local pro-White initiatives, conservation groups, and grassroots movements can have a profound impact. The AFP seeks to bring about these local groups and provide them with the necessary resources to succeed!
  5. Balancing Progress and Preservation: Progress is not antithetical to nature, as the current regime would have you believe. We can harness human innovation to develop technologies and practices that coexist harmoniously with nature.

In the end, preserving nature for Our People is not a call to return to a primitive way of life but a plea to find a new balance, and to focus in on nature rather than non-White advocacy. It’s about recognizing that our wellbeing as Whites is intrinsically tied to the health of the planet. As stewards of this Earth, we must acknowledge our responsibilities and work collectively to ensure that the tragic fate of that black bear in Colorado serves as a catalyst for change rather than a bleak epitaph for a species that once roamed free.

In this endeavor, let us remember that we Whites, too, are a part of nature, and our fate is inexorably intertwined with the fate of nature. To preserve nature is to preserve ourselves, and in doing so, we honor not only the legacy of the past but also the promise of the future.