‘White People Should Seriously Consider Walking Away From The Military’

Conservative commentator and frequent Fox News guest Jesse Kelly has called for white people to “seriously consider” abandoning the U.S. military over its “woke” priorities.

“Getting to the point where white people should seriously consider walking away from the military and just letting it implode on itself. If you wanna serve, go run for sheriff and prepare your community for the times to come,” he tweeted Wednesday.

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The controversial tweet linked to a story about the military’s forever-expanding “woke” agenda, particular its focus on “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI).

Originally published by Fox News, the story notes how last month the U.S. Air Force went on a hiring spree to recruit “a handful of senior-level diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) managers” to place in posts across the country.

The positions reportedly pay between $82,00o $180,000 per year, depending on the specific position and location.

One open position seen here pays up to $183,500. Whoever earns the position will be the supervisor of “diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility” at the Air Force’s quarters in Arlington, Virginia.

Another open position seen here pays up to $93,367 to $121,378 per year. This position is for a “diversity and inclusion coordinator” at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Alaska.

This particular position will require whoever gets it to “[d]evelop diversity and inclusion goals and objectives to measure performance and outcomes in a manner that prompts visionary adaptation of programs, plans and initiatives.”

The lucky candidate will also have to “[i]mplement diversity and inclusion educational and training courses, and workshops to enhance a culture of diversity and inclusion within the AF.”


All this comes roughly half a year after the Air Force and the Space Force “laid out a new vision for more diversity in the officer corps, aiming to boost the proportion of minority airmen and guardians in fields traditionally staffed by white men,” according to the Air Force Times.

“Diversity and inclusion are an essential part of our society and key to the success of any organization. As such, it is imperative that the composition of our Military Services better reflect our Nation’s highly talented, diverse, and eligible population,” Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said in a joint memo at the time.

The memo was also signed by Air Force Under Secretary Gina Ortiz Jones, Air Force Chief of Staff Charles Q. Brown, and Space Force Chief of Space Operations John W. Raymond.

The memo added that the goal of the “diversity” initiative was to create a “force more representative of our nation.”

This, evidently, is the military’s current goal — even as Russian jets take down U.S. drones and Chinese balloons invade U.S. airspace.

It’s likely for this reason that Kelly’s tweet prompted massive agreement from other Twitter users.


I left the USAF voluntarily when I saw how they were turning it into a social justice experiment and our ROE benefited the enemy.

— Netrunner (@2077Arasaka) March 16, 2023

Exactly. It’s reaching a point where people, including cops and military members, are gonna have to pick their side. Globalism or country. There won’t be gray areas.

— Worried Citizen (@WorriedBewohner) March 16, 2023

I remember wondering how on earth the government would be able to convince the military to turn on the American people. I no longer wonder how that will be achieved.

— Yacht Rockette ✝️️ (@_A_Beauchamp) March 15, 2023

Still waiting on somebody, anybody to explain to me, a regular American who views the greatest threat to myself and my family as coming from DC (not some foreign boogeyman) why I should care about the decline of the military? Actual question.

— A father (@Wordsformysons) March 15, 2023

I’m thankful for those who serve,&proud of my many family members who have. But I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to serve under America-hating CoC @joebiden,or in the flotsam&jetsam this regime has made of our woke&useless military. @SecDef @thejointstaff @usairforce @USNavy

— BeeLady (@miamivandynyu) March 15, 2023

The Air Force isn’t the only branch of the military going “woke.” In fact, the entire U.S. government, including its civilians, has gone completely “woke.”

“For example, the Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology is looking to hire a supervisory director of diversity and inclusion, starting at $155,000. The department’s International Trade Administration will pay $132,000 or more for a diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility and employee engagement officer,” Fox News notes.

“The Department of Health and Human Services is looking for a diversity, equity and inclusion analyst who will start at $112,000. The White House Office of Management and Budget is looking to hire a human capital specialist for DEIA issues starting at $132,000. The U.S. Mint’s Office of Equity and Inclusion is searching for an employee experience coordinator, a job that pays at least $112,000,” according to Fox News.

Ex-Home Depot CEO rips ‘woke’ companies for prioritizing ‘diversity’ and ‘social policies’: Bernie Marcus

Jesse Kelly – Conservative commentator and frequent Fox News guest.
Fox News,

Provided for informational purposes.